Hurrah for Bank holidays, more time to play,dearly beloved was working ,poor soul, so apart from a golf competion , cooking a roast for one offspring & child I had time to play. This dyeing is done by using Joyce Vance`s crackle dying which is done in 3 stages therefore over 3 days the instructions are at
www.pburch.net/dyeing/Guest/crackle_dye.shtml it is a great way to get a variation of colours and clear instructions, I just wish I could get away from purples but I do love them.I scanned these pictures in reality the colours are much stronger

You have a lovely selection of backgrounds here - now finding the time to use them???
Hiya - thanks for your comment on my blog - I'd love to swap an ATC, so will set aside an Angel for you - let me know your address so I can get it in the post...
Oh, and nice fabric, by the way!
Hi again Pippa - your comments on my blog come through with no email address, just noreply-comment@blogger.com, so I can't email you back... If you email me at katelnorth at yahoo dot com that should show your email address.
Hi Pippa
Thanks so much for putting up this link, I've been wanting to do this technique for ages.
Love the colour combo's you're getting here.
Thanks for dropping in on my blog, I'm really looking forward to trying out the Dremel.
Thanks too for dropping in on my DD's new blog, she'll be delighted to get your feedback.
Don't even consider getting away from the purples - you have some fantastic pieces here, and thanks for the link to the crackle dyeing - very helpful.
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