It has been such miserable weather, constant rain.I really need to get out and do some gardening, but the ground is waterlogged and as we have clay soil not easy to deal with.
So I had more time for felting so another wall hanging of quirky houses in a hilly landscape.

I needle felted the windows and doors before wet felting and it was hand embroidered once it was dry.I really like the colours in the sky and was pleased with the end result.
I had to hand sew the backing and sleeve as my machine decided to play up and has had to go for repair.

I also tried my hand at a large flower brooch it is about 10 inches across.Not sure that I would want one that big but they seem popular.Mauve is supposedly this years colour so it seemed to be a good colour to start with.My camera turns anything mauve to more of a blue hue but this photo is quite a good colour match
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