This lovely parcel arrived in the post today it is from Sue
Blewiss and she sen

t it as I had won

a draw on her blog, it contained a large piece of dyed velvet and all these beautiful laces in the most gorgeous colours,
wasn`t that generous. It was quite a surprise as I thought it had got lost in the post it took a month to get here, but well worth waiting for, many thanks Sue

This is my first sight when I wake up in the mornings, we do not pull the curtains as the window looks out onto a field, but the neighbours are having their roof re -tiled and this sign is readable from my bed, the last line is giving my husband an inferiority complex!
Lucky You, your prize looks lovely, Thanks for your comments,
My DH sympathises with yours over the sign.
Lovely lace.
Do you think the sign owners have deliberately used the double meaning??
I am so glad that it finally got there! Enjoy it, I know you'll create something wonderful with it all.
I'll also say lucky you. Now I wonder what Shirley meant about that sign? LOL
What a lovely gift, well worth waiting for.
Well your neighbour's sign certainly gave my DH a good laugh!!
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