It was the wetted with cool soapy water plastic on the top it had bubble wrap underneath.I then use an electric sander which is brilliant in getting the wool fibres to migrate through the fabric.If you don't have one it's a lot of rubbing over the plastic with your hands.

when you can pinch the wool and it lifts the fabric up it has migrated through. Then it has to be turned over and the other side laid out and use the sander or rubbing on this side.

Keep adjusting the plastic in the centre and moving the middle so that you do not get a fold like this.Now you can start felting.With a pool noodle roll up the scarf wrap in a towel and roll 100 times ,then open it up quarter turn roll up and roll another 100 times. Keep doing this until felted , or you can put it in the tumble drier on cold well wrapped up around a damp towel and covered in plastic