
Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Sarah Brooker

Went to Nailsworth  to Hobb house bakery to see some of Sarah's work not the type of thing I usually like but I was impressed' felting and machine stitch. 
 I especially liked the butterflies and the pear

this is painted on a wall in Nailsworth

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Crucible part 2

 More sculptures from Gloucester Cathedral the one above is by Kenworthy of a Somali woman and child
 Damien Hurst's Anatomy of an angel,rather like his St Bartholomew  two years ago
Outraged Christ by Lutyens was massive

 This one has a great title Let there be spaces in your togetherness by Freeborough
Damien Hirst,s other angel.

 The vaulted ceiling above is the oldest in the world about 650 years old

Cockerel by O'Casey

 Well you can guess what this one was called its by Cooper

 This boar is by Coventry he always has very strong lines
 beautiful warthog by the man who made the somalia women

 This was lovely very impressive but difficult to get a photo to do it justice it is called Souls byBlumenfeld
Tortoise by Cooper

 Beautiful stained glass windows

dyeing with walnut ,onions and golden rd

 I found a small amount of goldenrod near where I live and it dyes a beautiful yellowy green so walked miles to eventually find some more.We have a lot of walnut trees near us so I collected the fallen nuts and boiled them up until they went black even wearing gloves I have disgusting black and yellow nails this is the colour you get on wool ,if you add iron you get a blacker brown but I prefer the chestnut colour.Both of these I mordanted the wool with alum and Cream of tartar.
 This is onion skins no mordant needed and an orange colour, the whole house ponged a bit but I am making the most of my husband being away for the weekend .
 This is a fairly short scarf made with the walnut and onion dyed wool.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Crucible,sculpture at Gloucester cathedral

 Some of the sculptures at the cathedral,they are superb in a wonderful setting,at the entrance two figures by Lynn Chadwick quite fitting as he was local and they are stunning.

 Maquette for seed by Randall-Page.
this very life like figure by Bachouse is called Pilgrim.
The thief by Mach

Southern Shade by Hall

Bread Hand by Quinn and made from dough

My favourite entitled heart by Johansen.

Sea scarf by Mayer had beautiful patina.

One of Buck's pieces

This was great in the flesh called The worlds gone pear shaped with lots of interesting bits on the surface byVan Der Beek

Dodo by Mandl

Dodo by Bibby this time.

This is a close up of a circle of skeletons

This was entitled Jesus and quite scary by Humphreys

I hope that I have got the titles and sculptors right, the exhibition goes on until the end of October