Have spent most of my spare time this week trying to make silk screen positives if that is the right word with light sensitive emulsion.The first batch had far too much emulsion so had great drips on them ,the 2nd lot stuck to the cardboard underneath so were useless.Knowing how long to burn the image on is a big ? as where can you now buy 250 watt light bulbs thanks to the EU,it is very trial and error but have now got several images which should be use able.It has to be done in a dark room as I have no special light which does not make it any easier.But if anyone knows why a screen subjected to the light source for the same length of time as the others the image doesn't wash out I would be grateful. I made this cot quilt below for some friends of mines granddaughter,they knew it was a girl but did not want all pink Lo and behold their son and wife is now expecting a child and this material in lime green I had bought from ebay, the grey I had dyed the two looked good together and I was pleased with the cot quilt and I had some small bits left over so made an iPod holder and a camera a case. So now back to grips with the silk screening
Had a great day went with a friend to the textile exhib. we discussed ,talked admired and pulled some to pieces.I do not think it was as inspirational as some years and the ones we enjoyed the most were the work by Bath Uni students and The BrunelBroiderers whose theme was "Curious Drawers" NOT the kind you are thinking of but chest of drawers,this was a delight large and small drawers filled with exquisite embroideries & mixed media pieces of a theme that they had chosen.It was an absolute joy looking through them,no photo I am afraid but if you can get to Stroud make sure you see this exhib. The needle felted animals are byAnnie Hutchinson
In with the museum exhibs textile pieces by Bath Spa students had been placed, lovely pieces fresh and tought provoking Deidre Nelson has been artist in residence at the museum for the last 6 months and this is the result, red tennis balls made by the only local firm still making felt which they make into tennis balls usually yellow.Red in this case as Stroud made the red felt for the Army.Deirdre has couched various sayings onto the balls which are placed around the museum ,For 6 months work I was a little disappointed what do you think? Jewellery byAngelaO'Kelly These tapestries in most cases quite large are by Jo B arker Gorgeous willow installation by Caroline Sharp Quite a few of the shop windows had textile pieces in and you sure couldn't,t miss this one This was a small exhibition but we really liked the pieces shown. These papiermache tea cups were hanging next to this lovely apron A close up of the apron We also saw work by Cork textiles network which was stunning ,interesting and witty, I took the photos but when I was down loading onto my new computer I messed up the down load so my apologies
We went to Forge Mill for a workshop on using mica a mineral that can be split into fine sheets it was tutored by Angie Hughes and was very interesting, I have never used the stuff before and it was fascinating . Also at Forge Mill was an exhibition by Jannice Gunell quilted indigo dyed pieces I do like her work first seen at the FOQ and I am envious of her superb indigo dyeing techniques.Below is some of her glorious pieces,enjoy. I really liked this piece it was very appealing and livable with if that makes sense it was priced at £75 which was also appealing.
Now onto the Mica workshop, Angie is always good value for money she is a fun tutor and so generous with both her ideas and the bits and pieces that you need at workshops.The 2 frames below are Madi's on the left and mine on the right, I was pleased with mine. My first attempt. Some of the other students work