I am afraid this was not an original idea it was Ann`s to make political pincushions,I just thought it was brilliant,
Mandelson is going to be my favourite to stick pins in, who is yours?

This is one for me to drool over and I shall not be sticking pins into that gorgeous visage

I have also been screen printing again and my lovely husband has stretched them over a frame for me, I have done three which I am pleased with, the last ones I did were a disappointment but I shall be able to cut them up and use them.

This is a close up of one of the "flowers",the colours are brighter in real life.

And look at all this lovely material dyed and screen printed all colour coded ready for use,I a good girl tidying it up.

The latest craze is
collograph printing,I am doing a short session with Sue Brown and went to see her work, her prints are superb and she is so friendly and helpful see her work at
http://:suebrownprintmaker.blogspot.com I would love one of the ostriches.I have had an attempt at printing first with a rolling pin for a press then thanks to Maggie Grey with a pasta maker,which worked well for small prints.But today I became the proud owner of a mangle care of
ebay so there will be no stopping me.
These are mount board carved out with plastic daisies and scrim.