One of my lovely patients gave me this egg, which her daughter makes, the daffodils are beautiful,very delicate its is too good to eat which is just as well as the diet starts tomorrow!

We are fortunate to live about 4 miles from the Pangolin Gallery, they do the castings for Damien Hurst , Jonathan Kingdom & Terence Coventry, they also cast The Angel of the North.It is a fascinating place and they put on splendid exhibitions,including one on Lynn Chadwick a local sculptor, one on extinct species this one was sculptors prints.If I had a spare £800 pounds I would have been tempted with one of Lynn Chadwicks Damien Hurst`s screen print of coloured spots at £1200 for a limited edition print I wouldn't give wall space to.The bird below is one ofTerence Coventry`s and with very simple lines they have a great presence.

These next two were just stood outside I liked this one of the skeletal horse goin back to flesh.

This one is similar to Lynn Chadwicks work.

We were in time to see them pouring into a casting.

I spent the W/E overprinting and disperse printing some of my material that coloured with breakdown printing,some of the pieces needed ait more colour and shape.

These were stamped with disperse paste then ironed and stamped with thickened dyes.

This one in the flesh is great the grids are a lovely turquoise.

This one has a cow parsley stencil

I have finished my ammonites box canvasses and I am disappointed with them maybe its because I have benn working at them for too long,I have also just realied that the photo is on its side bother.