The insides showing the coloured papers,this is from an idea of Frances Pickerings,when you paint the paper with diluted inks or paints 1 2 or 3 colours and stack them on top or each other a right angles to dry so that you get these lovely lines and marks.
We had a day out in Bath this W/E as Olive the grandchild from hell has been "doing " the Romans at school and as we are riddled with Roman remains around here, with villas and mosaics,but I have not been to the baths since we went to a roman orgy about 35yrs ago and swam in them amongst other things.It was a great place to visit about 6 baths a frigorium and the temple.The water in the main bath is warm and yellow due to the salts,one of the baths is steaming,you can sample the water and it tastes very flat ,warm and rather like bath water!

The Celtic grandchild from hell with Flavia a Roman citizen,who was fantastic she kept in character, regardless of how many questions you asked and she had a great sense of humour.When asked about what language she spoke with the Celts,she said I wish that they would speak Latin but we have been told When in Britannia do as the Britannians do!

The Celtic grandchild from hell with Flavia a Roman citizen,who was fantastic she kept in character, regardless of how many questions you asked and she had a great sense of humour.When asked about what language she spoke with the Celts,she said I wish that they would speak Latin but we have been told When in Britannia do as the Britannians do!
On Saturday my card arrived from Pat it is lovely,she thinks that unicorns are white and I admit I do too, if you would like to see how she arrived at it click here.
She very kindly set me this lace as well.