Great egg drawings,just a shame that Paul the tutor drew them and not me.

Husband and I have have just started 6 weeks of drawing classes,for beginners,3hours went by so fast.After several warming up exercises he had us drawing eggs,difficult getting them to look solid but he was very good at explaining how to curve the shading lines to make the egg "pop" out.

I tried drawing this pear at home as we are supposed to draw each day, why it looks as if it is leaning backwards I have no idea.

I tried drawing this pear at home as we are supposed to draw each day, why it looks as if it is leaning backwards I have no idea.
This is what I settled for in the end thanks to those who helped by commenting, only another 3 to go.
After a great morning at drawing classes lunch in a pub for £2.00 each we came home to decorate a bedroom,my husband passed out twice went down like a tree,quite worrying I took his B/P and it was a bit on the low side so he was told to stay in bed.Typical man decided to get up and he keeled over again so phoned the GP who much to my amazement was still at the surgery and took him down.His B/P was right down due to the fact that they had him on Ramipril as he is a diabetic to test his kidneys and the dose was too high,quite a worry so he is off the tablets and he is now fine one way to get out of the decorating
After a great morning at drawing classes lunch in a pub for £2.00 each we came home to decorate a bedroom,my husband passed out twice went down like a tree,quite worrying I took his B/P and it was a bit on the low side so he was told to stay in bed.Typical man decided to get up and he keeled over again so phoned the GP who much to my amazement was still at the surgery and took him down.His B/P was right down due to the fact that they had him on Ramipril as he is a diabetic to test his kidneys and the dose was too high,quite a worry so he is off the tablets and he is now fine one way to get out of the decorating