We went to a papermaking workshop with Lyn Griffiths using plant fibres it was most enjoyable and very informative, Lyn is a great tutor and very generous with her ideas and all her plant pulps which she provided This piece was layers of fibres laid down and then glued with PVA and water just like making silk paper, from the top down, cotton, hemp,soya, bamboo, flax, linen noil, and cotton wool trapped in the fibres are dried rose petals thanks to my husband for my anniversary roses, a leaf, lavender seeds,garlic insides.

I then did some machine sewing to help keep it together and as it was for the Fibre & Stitch kitchen challenge I added a piece of star anise a wooden skewer 2 pieces of pasta and some pieces of the mushroom paper all backed by a J cloth

This is made from blanched leeks pulled apart and layered placed between 2 sheets of parchment paper( what would we do with out it) and left to dry for 5 days this one is OK but Lyn`s lookedlike glass most attractive. this type of paper can be made layering, courgettes, kiwi fruit beetroot etc.

This believe it or not is made from a liquidised wasps nest .

Abaca and silver birch bark I don`t think I will be writing many letters with this!

This is made from mushrooms the kind you get from suppermarkets the older the better it is really lovely

Abaca and honesty seeds

Abacaon left & with dried Rosemary on the right

This piece is made from iris leaves it is much darker in real life